30 day loss guide with HerbaLife

Okie Dokey! Lets get this thing done!!!

This is your plan.

What you will need, Ultimate Kit(comes with Formula 1 shake mix, Herbal Tea, Total Control, Thermobond, Aminogen, Cell-U-Loss, Cell Activator, Multivitamin,  and Snack Defense. You will also need Prolessa Duo. You will also need to add 8 oz of milk to your shakes whether it is soy, almond, coconut, lactaid, or regular milk. Make sure that the milk is fat free or 1%. If you do not like the milk then you will need to get the Vanilla flavored Protein Drink Mix which supplements the protein that you would normally get in the milk. Do not skimp on the milk or the powders, they are mixed this way on purpose, so that you maximize your protein intake, if you do not get enough protein, you will be hungry and you will want to eat.

I am going to lay out the meals three times a day, with two protein snacks in between. You don’t have to have a shake for a specific meal. For example, if you prefer to eat breakfast as a meal, then have a shake for lunch and dinner. It is EXTREMELY important that you take your supplements with your shake. Something that I have been doing with people is taking a sharpie and writing the number of tabs they have to take with each meal on the top of the bottle, so they can remember until they are familiar enough to not need the numbering. I’m going to write about each product and then there is going to be a meal list with how you take the tabs and the shake, along with what to eat for your meal. You have to accept that you are going to be taking a handful of pills with every meal. I don’t like swallowing pills either, but the trade off is that I feel so very healthy and without even working out I have a lot more energy. I always tell people, its not just about the weight, it is about being healthy and that takes a life changing commitment, so this isn’t a diet, this is a life choice. Not that you have to take two shakes day forever, but it really will help get you feeling good and making better health choices because when you get off of it, you can feel it. I ate out three days in a row for one meal and I felt awful, my tummy was not happy and I just felt like being sick all those days. I don’t want to eat out anymore, I don’t look twice at a cookie, or hamburger, my biggest weakness is a ribeye steak medium rare and I can keep myself from not over eating it. So, this stuff really helps you control and best of all, it makes you not even care or want it. You have to eat your protein and as a general rule have at least 1200 calories a day for women who don’t work out and 2000 for men who don’t work out. That value increases the more active you are. Also, you need to make sure you are getting enough protein. Women need at least 100 grams a day and men at least 150. This is a number that is hard to reach, but make your best effort with your food and snack choices.

Here is what you will be taking and why.

The Prolessa Duo powder is an appetite suppressant that includes protein in it as well as fiber to curb your hunger and appetite for up to eight hours. Here are some of the things that will have to remember when taking this. In the beginning you might have some stinky gas, it goes away after a few days. After the first few days you will not be hungry enough to snack between meals, but you NEED to eat a protein snack. It will keep you from crashing after your second shake has run out and then you are starving and cheat on bad foods. Also make sure that when you make your shake, you like it and that you don’t make yourself chug it. For example, if you need it to be sweeter, add some sugar substitute to taste. Add enough fruit and ice that it is thick and has substance, so you don’t feel like you are just drinking a meal, but eating something. I have made myself not think about my meals. I make the kids their breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but I make my shake first, so that as I am cooking for them, or when they are eating, I am sipping on my shake the whole time. Also, you have to add your 8 oz of milk, or you are not getting enough protein. I can’t stand milk, so I have to add protein power to my shake on top of my Prolessa Duo and shake mix, so if you get to the point where you don’t want to add milk, or don’t have time, you will have to supplement that protein from the milk. Also, you have to drink a lot of water with this, which I don’t see being a problem since you will be starting Cell-u-Loss which will help you drink more. Anywhoo, make sure that even if you don’t feel hungry, you eat when its time for your snack or meal because you don’t want to go into starvation mode.

Alright, the next thing that you have is the Thermo-bond, also known as the “cheat pill.” It is filled with fiber that bonds to the fat content in your stomach and pulls it to the bottom of your stomach, so that it can be expelled. This is called the cheat pill because if you know you are going to have a fatty meal, you need to take two before and two after your meal. You will notice some lower GI distress the more fatty your food is. DO NOT be alarmed, this means it is working! I do not have the lower GI distress with taking it and the shakes, but if I eat out at a restaurant and take it, it expels as it is supposed to. I don’t mean you will have diarrhea, but you will have those cramps that push the poop out and it might be a little soft. Don’t worry, when its over, you feel great! You know what I am saying,J lol

Cell-U-LOSS is the next thing that we ordered. It pulls water from your tissues that is being stored abnormally and expels it. You will pee often if you are retaining fluid. This is normal and will stop once your fluid balance is met. I want you to take 1 pill with each meal and after I talk to you about how you are doing, I might have you increase it to two, or three a meal. You can have up to 9 a day.

Snack Defense- keeps your blood sugar in normal levels, so that you don’t feel light headed because your sugar drops. It actually slows down the breakdown of carbohydrates to your blood and causes a slow release so that the blood sugar levels remain level. This is a 24 hour pill, it will not keep you awake at night, so they call it the 24 hour weight loss pill because you can take it at night and your body will burn calories to keep the blood sugar levels level.

Aminogen- Soothes the stomach and helps proper absorption of protein my breaking it down so the body can use it and it promotes lean muscle mass. This pill is patented by HerbaLife, it really works to help your absorb and break down your protein and helps keep your appetite down because you are meeting your protein needs and not to mention lean muscle!! How can getting muscle without working out be beat?!!

You have the multi-vitamin, this needs to be taken with every meal, no if’s and’s, or buts.

Cell-activator- activates the microvillus in your small intestine, so you can absorb your nutrients. You said you were feeling the energy and the “good” feeling. The most likely reason is because you are not getting your proper nutrition. The foods that are in the market are so terrible for you and are low in nutritional value. This tab works, but it needs to be taken every single meal. The multi-vitamin and the cell-activator are essential, they are the building blocks for the weightloss and health, so you cannot forget to take them.

Last but not least- TOTAL CONTROL- OH baby this is my favorite of all time. BURNS belly fat! Gives you energy! Raises your metabolism! Oh yes yes yes!!!! I want you to take two with every meal; do it! Two with every meal, it is the most fantastic thing since sliced bread along with the prolessa duo power!!!

Ok that is your tabs and I would like you to weigh yourself naked when you first wake up, once a week and email me your weight. If you are not losing, I am going to call you and adjust the tab intake. I am your personal wellness coach baby!!!

Alright moving on to the short list.

MEAL 1- Combine two scoops formula 1 shake mix, 1 scoop of prolessa duo, and 8 oz of fat free milk. Add ice and fruit, and whatever flavoring you want. Make sure the shake is thick and if it needs sweetener, add some sugar substitute of your choice.

TABS- DO IT!!!- 1- multi-vitamin, 1-Cell Activator, 1-Snack Defense, 1-Cell-u-loss, 1-Aminogen, 2-Thermobond, 2- Total Control.

If you like and have the tea, drink it, but make sure you are drinking at least a glass of water with your tabs.

SNACK-Do not forget to have a snack!! See choices at the bottom.

If you like and have the tea, drink it, but make sure you are drinking at least a glass of water with your tabs.

MEAL 2- Combine two scoops formula 1 shake mix, 1 scoop of prolessa duo, and 8 oz of fat free milk. Add ice and fruit, and whatever flavoring you want. Make sure the shake is thick and if it needs sweetener, add some sugar substitute of your choice.

TABS- DO IT!!!- 1- multi-vitamin, 1-Cell Activator, 1-Snack Defense, 1-Cell-u-loss, 1-Aminogen, 2-Thermobond, 2- Total Control.

If you like and have the tea, drink it, but make sure you are drinking at least a glass of water with your tabs.

SNACK-Do not forget to have a snack!! See choices at the bottom.

If you like and have the tea, drink it, but make sure you are drinking at least a glass of water with your tabs.

MEAL 3- see food choices and combinations at the bottom.

TABS- DO IT!!!- 1- multi-vitamin, 1-Cell Activator, 1-Snack Defense, 1-Cell-u-loss, 1-Aminogen, 2-Thermobond, 2- Total Control.

If you like and have the tea, drink it, but make sure you are drinking at least a glass of water with your tabs.

Side note-Do not deprive yourself. You will not be successful if you do not allow yourself to eat what you want every once in a while. As a general rule of thumb, give yourself one day to eat what you want when you want; call it your “break” day. Make sure your cheat day is the same day every week. This is going to accomplish several things. First of all, when you feel like you want to cheat, remind yourself that you have this up coming cheat day and you just need to make it till then. Secondly, it will give you a chance to really enjoy food without felling guilty. Finally, you will feel like so much crap depending on how you eat that you will start to really notice the difference in eating healthy and eating unhealthy! This is a positive because you will really start to get to know your body and tummy and you will start to really feel what people have been talking about.

Alright, next is food choices for your colorful meal. I am going to include some for breakfast lunch and dinner. A good thing to think about when you are making your food choice is, how can I get the most food and the most nutrition for the least amount of calories. Think of it as car shopping, you want the best car with the lowest miles, at the lowest possible price. The only thing that really foots the bill is veggies, so that is a must to eat. Mix it up, so that you don’t get bored and don’t make things difficult. Buy veggies and foods that are quick and easy for you to make and do, so you don’t have this huge task. Another thing to remember is, you get 1200 calories a day, so your shakes are about 228, so if you have two of those, two 100 calorie protein snacks, you are left with roughly 544 calories for dinner. Dinner should consist of at least a 4 oz piece of protein that fits in the palm of your hand and as a general rule, those are about 100 calories. This leaves you with 444 calories to add for the rest of the meal. The point is to be aware, but not to be so stringent unless you have the time to calculate it all and add it up. I don’t add and subtract calories. I have soy pods and string cheese as my protein snack and I know those have a little less than 100 calories, so for dinner all I really worry about is the protein I am eating and not even worry about adding the calories in the veggies. If I were to have another meal, other than dinner, I would do the same thing with that meal, knowing that my last two meals were going to be shakes. Make sure the meal you choose to have that is not a shake, is one that you normally enjoy the most. For example, I am not a breakfast, or really lunch person, but I love dinner, so dinner is my meal and I drink the shake for breakfast and lunch.

I have an app on the iphone and I think there is one for the droid, but it is called “myfitnesspal” and it has HerbaLife in it, or you can quick add calories and track your weight and fitness. It is an awesome program and my user name is keana30, so you can find me and I will keep you motivated baby!!

SNACKS-all snacks should be at least 100 calories or less and should contain at least 5 grams of protein. If you feel like having 100 calories that don’t have protein that is okay!! Don’t worry about it, have one snack that is 100 calories without and eat your second snack with protein. Protein will curb your hunger, so that is why it is recommended and so important!! Remember, this is fun, think positive and make your wants and needs for a healthy body and mind become reality!!

FOODS FOR A BREAKFAST TYPE MEAL, if you drink the shakes for lunch and dinner. These are just examples, the main thing to remember is “high Protein” low fat.





OMLET- add all the veggies you want and add fat free mozzerella.


Make sure this meal has at least roughly 550 calories.

FOODS FOR A LUNCH AND DINNER TYPE MEAL, if you drink the shakes for breakfast. These are just examples, the main thing to remember is “high Protein” low fat. AND MIX IT UP, DON’T HAVE THE SAME BORING THING EVERY DAY!

SANDWICH            -whole wheat break, turkey meat, tomatoes, lettuce, and fat free mozzarella cheese. Mix it up with different low fat meats, add avocado, onions, make it tasty!!

Pan seared fish- Add spice, salt and water and make a broth after it is cooked, it will fill you up!!

PROTEIN CHOICES- 4 oz, you don’t have to weigh it just make sure its not too thick and is about the size of your palm.












SALAD MIX-The reason I say mixed is, its easy, you eat it quickly.





WHAT TO DO WITH THE KIDS-being on this diet can be looked at as hard, or easy. Generally, at least with my kids, they would prefer something that is pretty simple to make. I actually started making them shakes with breakfast, I just give them a third of mine and they love it. I give them cereal, fruit, yogurt, whatever they want for breakfast because that is quick and easy. For lunch they can have mac and cheese, a sandwich, fruit, salad, or something that is easy to make. I also buy walmart brand frozen pizza because they taste good and are cheaper and made in the deli. Dinner is the one meal that I make a lot more. I have a rice cooker and I throw it in and steam it up and I grill, or pan sear meat, chicken, etc. I add soysauce to the rice and give them some juice. Occasionally, I will fry up some chicken and frozen fries, but that is occasionally. I microwave or bake potatoes and add cheese and butter to theirs and this goes along with the protein. I try to keep it simple, because simple is better and it will keep you on the right path.

Alrighty, I know this is a dissertation, but I hope it helps, let me know if this is going to work for you, or if there are any foods that you really like, so I can give you tips on how to prepare and eat them in a quick easy, low calorie way!!


LAST NOTE!- With everyone that does this program there are going to be questions, so make sure you call, or text and ask what to do, so that you can get the help right away! It doesn’t do any good to wait, so don’t be shy and call day or night! Also, tabs are adjustable, so it is extremely important that you weigh and KNOW how you feel and keep me or your coach updated, so that your tabs can be adjusted to meet your needs!! Have a great month!!!!!


ShakeItUp!Canyon NEWS First Edition!

Okay, today we’re writing about nutrition clubs and how we are getting started. My Keana and I started on HerbaLife in the weirdest way.

First let me say that I am 29, have 3 kids by c-section and when I started this, I weighed 196 lbs and I’m 5’3, so you have an idea of how big I was. I am a full-time college student who recently went back to work in emergency communications full-time March 10th, 2011.

I had gone through a lot of changes in my life and my mom called me one day and she said, “I just started in this new weightloss club and I want to start selling this stuff, do you want to do it with me?” Of course I didn’t want to, but I said “yes” because I had just recently watched “YES Man” and decided I was missing out on a lot of opportunities because I didn’t want to say “yes.” So I went to a meeting at Body Solutions in Amarillo, TX and we met Kim Muniz and my mom told her we wanted to sign up to be Supervisors. Well I didn’t know what that term meant, but I always wanted to be a Supervisor because it was going to enhance my resume, so I said, SURE!!!;) Since individually you need to have a 4,000 volume point purchase which adds up to almost 2,00o dollars, my mom and I decided to split the order and both qualify for Supervisor which required us to both purchase 2500 volume points in our first order which added up to about 1,500 dollars individually.

I received a ton of boxes of product at 42% off, so I could turn around and retail it and make 48% profit supposedly. Anywhoo, I was so skeptical about this company, I looked up everything I could find about it and I went through an emotional rollercoaster about whether, or not I was up for the task of doing this stuff. It seemed like I would have to REALLY step out of my comfort zone to sell it. What I found online was a LOT of complaints and a lot of good stories as well. One thing that was consistent as I looked through the web was that people loved the product, but couldn’t sell it. I also found that the company was reputable and that they had a premium nutritional standard in all their products and most people who called it a scam were people who purchased the product and couldn’t sell it. I also read a review where the writer defines the definition of a scam as a situation where someone takes your money and gives you nothing in return and HerbaLife gave you product and tools to sell along with detailed instructions, so therefore was not a scam.

I decided that I really couldn’t sell anything to anyone if I didn’t know what it did first, so I started taking the product that came with my distributor packet. (I had the vanilla formula 1 shake mix and the multi-vitamin and the cell-activator, lift off, Total Control, and the Tea) I didn’t start off very seriously because I thought, “its a shake, I can’t do this.” I realistically started off with one shake a day, missing a day here and there. What I started noticing was that on the days I missed my shake, I was so tired. At first I thought, “nah couldn’t be working, not that stuff, couldn’t be.” Sure enough I would take my shake and supplements the next day and I felt better. I began to think, “there might be something to this nutrition thingamajigg.” So I decided to experimentally start taking two shakes a day with my supplements and see what happened.

I started the HerbaLife Shakes on February 24th of 2011 and by May 10th of 2011 I had lost 34 lbs. I just couldn’t believe it. So I thought, “alright, I’m into it now, lets do this thing!” I decided to contact my Supervisor who signed me up as a Supervisor and tell her that I was going to start participating and coming to the meetings and doing whatever it took to make this “HerbaLife” thing workout because I was into it now. She was excited an supportive and talked me into going to a Dallas HerbaLife Conference to see to what extent the company was moving and to learn more about the products themselves. I talked my husband into going and we went. This was last weekend the 12th of May 2011. The conference was a blast machine. I couldn’t believe the amount of momentum that these people had going on. I mean there were 70, 60, and below men and women, teenagers bumpin in their chairs to Cee Lo, Ludacris, and Black Eyed Peas. It was like a Pentecostal, heathen church revival on steroids! At first I was a little shy, but they had all these people getting invited up on the stage to tell their story of weight loss and it was amazing. I started clapping and getting into it, my husband probably thought I was crazy, but it was so easy to get caught up in having a good time; it was really infectious. Seriously, if you were one of the ones sitting, or not clapping and bumpin, you were the minority for sure. So, my husband is one of those in the minority until…until.. we had people coming up there to get awards for moving up in the HerbaLife marketing plan. These people shared their stories about how they began as broke as they come and how they started nutrition clubs with their friends and were (in a years time) making over 10,000 dollars a month and opening more and more clubs. Now my husband was thinking, “hmmm…there might be something to this after all.” So we drove home to Amarillo pumped up and excited to be alive, excited to know that if we worked at it, we could be successful and be healthy, not to mention how many people could be affected in a good way by becoming healthy.

Last week I started going into the club to learn the ways of the “force” lol.. I was greeted by Kim, Daniel, Keegan, Todd, and Tyra (who all opened up HealthKyK! together) with high fives, smiles, laughter and love and it has been amazing. I just started washing blenders and wiping up messes while there were a ton of people lining up to make shakes and weigh in. Todd and Tyra were making shakes fast and furiously ( I couldn’t wash them fast enough!). Daniel was greeting people pouring teas and aloe shots, while Keegan weighed people in who were doing the weight loss challenge. I remember washing the blenders and hearing a bell ring and everyone in the club who hoot and holler. I asked Daniel what that was for and he said with a smile, “when someone loses weight, we celebrate by ringing the bell.” Everyone was so excited and happy, I had so much fun and that was on my first day! I have been working in the club for the past week, just getting to know how everything works and it has been a blast. I have Kim helping me do a wellness profile tomorrow, so I can learn to help people feel as good as I do all the time! I will write another post tomorrow to talk about the progress!

As far as my weightloss, I plateaued, so I learned in Dallas that Prolessa Duo, when added to your shakes will keep you from being hungry, so since I tend to snack and eat badly at night, I decided to buy and try it. This was three days ago and since I started adding it to my shakes, I have not felt hungry at all and in fact have to force myself to eat dinner which is odd for me because I love dinner and snacking at night; its how I wind down! Well after three days, I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 5 lbs!!! So much for a plateau! Take that! Ka POW! Oh yeah! I just have to brag a little because I challenged my sister to a 2 pound weight loss in one week and we both signed up with the app “myfitnesspal” on our iphones to keep up with each other and I am winning!! HEE HEE!! I didn’t think I would be beating her because she works out like a fanatic! ooh! one more thing, work has been phenomenal, I have friends up there who wanted to try the product and bought some from me and I have other people interested in getting on it because they have seen me be excited and lose weight along with my energy level. Not to mention we had a shake party where I made banana shakes for everyone! oh yeah! It was fun! They say its easy to start selling and they are right, it is easy, but you have to get over yourself first. Basically what they said at the conference was, “you have to decide if your pride weighs more than your bank account.” Does my pride weigh more than my bank account? It did at one time, but no longer my friends, no longer!! They also say, the product is that good that it sells itself and they are freaking right! I cannot even tell you how much I believe in this stuff and it makes it incredibly easy for me to tell my story. Not to mention that HerbaLife pays back to its distributors 73 cents on the dollar! Which other company does that? Not the full-time job I work now, that is for sure! I am so ready to do this full-time and get people on board and losing weight! I cannot wait; it feels so good to be your own boss and make your own schedule, not to mention surrounding yourself with happy, positive people is just so fun and the time just flies!

Until Next Time!!

Have you had your shake today?


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